Garden: of Marqueyssac: "
Lush greens to get lost in.
First off, Happy St.Patrick's Day! Oddly enough for a redhead, I do not really have anything green to wear, except for a scarf perhaps. Do you do anything special for today? + the story of Saint Patrick.
And for today, I simply had to share these lush and beautifully designed gardens. The gardens were planted in 1861 by Julien De Cerval. De Cerval was an intense gardener who gave the last thirty years of his life to build Marqueyssac. 'It is almost exclusively made up of clipped box but near the chateâu this is clipped into elaborate swirling designs and includes paths of clipped rosemary and santolina. There is then a much wilder walk in woodland and clipped box which meanders 130 metres above the river giving fabulous views. There is an area with swings and a picnic area and during the summer on certain days children older than 6 can learn rock climbing. During the summer each Thursday evening the gardens are lit by candlelight and various musicians play in different parts of the garden. A magical experience not to be missed. The Gardens at Marqueyssac are one of the few Dordogne attractions to remain open all year round.' Breathtaking...
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