- Pagina de pornire
- Ioan-Victor-DRAGAN - Pe Apa Sambetei -1969-1983
- Artgrafica ioanvickdrag
- Valeriu Sterian - Ruga II
- Valeriu Sterian - Vino Doamne
- Un film de Lucian PINTILIE
- Biserici in RUCĂR
- Architectural Monuments of Romania - FLICKR GROUP
- BRAILA turistică 2009
- BACĂU - în mileniul trei
- DAN BADEA -Lilian Zamfiroiu, fostul Redactor Șef al revistei UNIVERSITATEA COMUNISTA, amicul lui Tarlea si Ani Matei – fosti sefi ai UASCR – va fi propus ca presedinte al ICR Dan Badea on Scribd
- Nichita-Stanescu-Aurel Covaci Destinul unei prietenii 1956-1983 de-Stela-Covaci,2013
sâmbătă, 29 mai 2010
Eurovision 2010: Ce loc va ocupa România?
AUDIO Statistica Google de vineri: Romania, in primele zece pozitii la Eurovision. Justin Peterson, critic muzical norvegian: Piesa romanilor e cea mai buna din acest an!
UPDATE: Sambata, in statistica Google, piesa Romaniei se afla pe locul 17.
- Intra in articol pentru a asculta emisiune
vineri, 28 mai 2010
Roll It Experimental Housing
Roll It is a fun experimental house resulting from the collaboration several institutes within the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. The cylindrical design is a modular to provide flexible space within a minimum housing unit.
Three sections serve different functional needs: there’s a bed and table section, an exercise cylinder, and a kitchen with a sink. Structurally, the prototype has an outer shell with four support rings over a rigid inner shell. A translucent membrane wraps the entire structure while being an advertising space for sponsors. Attached to the membrane, thin wooden slats form the running surface of the roll.
The inner cover is made of laminated 15 mm thick OSB panels covering the support rings. In the side walls, circular openings let the light into the structure and a large opening is the entrance.
Via [detail] & [archdaily]